Search Engine Optimisation

Ensuring your potential audience can find your website.

Having the best looking design, the latest widgets or most informative website in the world is useless if people don’t see it.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is all about improving where your web pages appear in search engines results, so more people can easily find your website. Signify is expert at improving your websites search engine performance. In early 2014 Signify used its own website as a test-dummy for many of the theories and documented our findings so that we can apply them to our clients websites.

How does Search Engine Optimisation work?

Search engines such as Google use complicated and ever-changing algorithms to give your pages an individual ‘page score’ showing how relevant your website is to a user. When a user enters a search term, the page score determines where you appear in organic (not advertising) results. SEO aims to improve your page score, so you appear higher in the search results.

SEO is considered a ‘dark art’ because although there are plenty of theories, the search engine companies never publish the exact algorithms used to determine page scores.

How can Signify Help?

Signify can provide an SEO audit of your website, showing where you currently appear in search results and potential areas for improvement.

Signify use tools like Web Analytics to determine how people find your site and their behaviour. Once we know how this information we provide suggestions based on our proven techniques and create a custom plan of attack to combine code changes with content training to increase your prominence.



Talk to us to find out more about how we can accelerate your use of Search Engine Optimisation to drive more people to your website.