Web Standards

The standards that New Zealand Government Organisations are required to meet

What are the Web Standards?

The New Zealand Government has two separate web standards that are mandatory for the State sector. These are the Web Accessibility Standard and the Web Usability Standard.

The Web Accessibility Standard focuses on accessibility for people with disabilities, as well those using a variety of technologies to access the web. The Web Usability Standard contains non-accessibility related requirements. This includes contact information, copyright and privacy statements.

Signify and the Government Web Standards

Signify apply these standards to all government websites we build and were involved in the discussions that resulted in the current standards. We also actively work with our government maintenance and support clients towards making sure their websites are fully compliant.

Government Web Standards Audits

Signify have experience producing Government Web Standards audits to ensure compliance with the Accessibility Standard and the Web Usability Standard. We have provided these audits for both existing and new government clients.

We use a combination of automated tools and manual checks to verify compliance against each of the individual requirements contained in the standards. The results are presented in an easy to understand document outlining the steps required to becoming compliant and suggesting priorities for implementing changes.


Talk to us to find out more about how we can help with your digital project.

Also see: Accessibility