We’re proud to have collaborated with the team at NIWA to launch an all-new NIWA website.

We’re proud to have collaborated with the team at NIWA to launch an all-new NIWA website—a digital gateway that supports NIWA's mission is to conduct leading environmental science to enable the sustainable management of natural resources for New Zealand and the planet.

The NIWA website spans the entire spectrum—from the seafloor of Antarctica to the top of the atmosphere. Dive into climate data, explore marine ecosystems, and unravel environmental mysteries.

NIWA’s previous website was aged and the underlying technology prevented use of modern approaches. The decision was made to build a new website using the Drupal CMS technology.

The Journey to Launch

In-Depth Stakeholder Collaboration: We began with intense collaboration. Engaging closely with NIWA stakeholders and listening to their aspirations, challenges, and vision. We used their insights to guide the direction for the new website.

Design That Speaks Volumes: Our design team worked to create a visual presence that resonates with NIWA’s organisational goals while being aesthetically pleasing. The result is a website that blends aesthetics with functionality and reflects NIWA’s mission.

User-Centric Approach: We put users at the heart of our design. Navigating the new NIWA website is seamless, whether you’re a scientist, a policymaker, or a curious citizen the information you are looking for is just a click away. Finding relevant research, tools, and services is now a breeze.

Technology: The new website is build using the Drupal 10.x CMS with integrations to other NIWA systems and services such as Azure Active Directory to enable ease of use for the NIWA team.

Are you ready to explore the depths of environmental science? NIWA’s revamped website is your compass. Dive in, discover, and be part of a sustainable future.


HTML, Drupal CMS